windows 95/98 ms paint window animation of a smiley being drawn
mitzyrie's thoughts

i am a person with some opinions. wowee. so i'll dump all of them here.

if you disagree or would like to discuss any, feel free to shoot me a dm on discord (mitzyrie)! i can't guarantee that i'm always in the mood to discuss something, but i will try nonetheless.

<- go back?

i simply have no time to hate. that's all. carrying hate is so heavy. don't you just love it when you're appreciating things in life instead? when you're struck with awe? when you feel on top of the world? hate ruins all of that. sure, i can dislike certain practices and jokingly "hate" things. but in the end, i want to love more than anything else.


i think gatekeeping is really, really sad. i don't understand it 99% of the time. seriously, just let people enjoy things! i'm ecstatic when someone tells me they want to learn more about my interests, so i really don't get gatekeepers at all. it's as if people hate having fun.

i understand concerns like being scared that a small fandom or community can get tainted by outsiders. or gatekeeping from people that just take certain media and run with it instead of understanding the culture, history, etc. that's what tiktok likes to do nowadays. but instead of shutting these people off completely from enjoying some media, i believe we can educate them more about the subject at hand.

i often see people dislike newcomers from carrd/rentry/txti coming to neocities, or people that use templates. i disagree. i'm all for more people discovering the joys of the old web! some people don't have the time to learn html and css so they resort to templates, and i think that's completely fine.

in the end, i think it's an overall net positive when more people find out about something. i want more people to share my love for my interests. and it's okay if they are a little naive at first and don't understand something completely! i'll take their hand and walk through any questions they have :)


this is honestly mostly just a pet peeve, but i find them so annoying. having to read a list of mental illnesses and "i make these types of jokes beware!!!!!" when looking at a carrd or rentry gets tiring. just talk to people! you really don't have to tell people every single detail about you all at once. byfs and dnis completely ignore the main way to get to know someone: talking to them. it feels like stating such an obvious, but nowadays social interaction online is so detached and alien-like that people forget simple things like that.

long dnis are... something, alright. my main problem is just. why? why do you care so much about the smallest things? just... talk to people. you can't go your whole life ignoring anyone that disagrees with you over tiny things. believe it or not, people are more than the fandoms or media they like. people are more than the petty discourse or labels they name themselves with! just talk to people, please. learn something new. stop trapping yourself in a bubble with only people that will follow along and agree with literally everything you say. that's what social media is already doing when spoonfeeding you constantly with things only you like.

if you have dnis for your own comfort, eg. certain age groups or triggers you have, i think that's mostly fine. i think displaying your triggers and discomforts out in the open is stupid and counterintuitive but whatever. but idk, in the end, dnis and byfs still rub me the wrong way. imagine if before you talked to someone in real life, you gave them a byf and dni. now that's weird, isn't it.

stealing/copying/taking inspiration

for some reason, a lot of the art i make, and even this website doesn't necessarily feel like it belongs to me and me only. i feel like it belongs to some soup of collective unconsciousness but with art? maybe you don't get what i mean haha. well what that means to me is that you're free to take inspiration, or any bits and bobs from my work! even if you steal my entire website, the entirety of the html and css and javscript whatever, the most i'll think is that it's a little weird.

my creations don't really belong to me, i feel like. they belong to everyone??? the only instances where i've really felt like art has belonged to me is for vent art, or my sonas and ocs i guess. and no, what i just said does not mean some company can just take my art and sell it without compensating me anything...

the idea of code stealing to me feels so contentious. sure, if someone stole your entire layout, i think most have the right to be mad. but i really don't see anything wrong with """stealing""" things that feel more like tools and utilities, say for example the code for a sidebar.

don't get me started on people who say you can't take inspiration. in all seriousness, who do you think you are to say that??? you can't just stop people from being inspired. hell, 99% of the time, taking inspiration is something i unconsciously do! and why are you preventing people from doing something that is essentially a compliment...

i feel like wanting to possess and keep art to yourself so vehemently like that is harmful. you can be proud of your own hard work and take pride in it! yes! but the way some people go as far as to stop others from learning and taking inspiration from them is so sad to me. gatekeeping ideas, asking for credit for the most minute things... it all bothers me so much. why can't we all learn from each other and just have fun and create things? why do you feel like you have to own everything????

i know most people won't hold this stance of "i don't really care if you credit me" and "copy whatever you want" and that's fine. in the end you should still respect what people want, and i still believe you should credit others when you can as to pay respects.

petty discourse and performative activism

some people can be really un-self-aware and think that harrassing others on social media over minute disagreements is a productive thing. spoiler alert: it isn't. step outside for once and see how much turmoil our world is in constantly. there are better things to argue about.

my issue with performative activism isnt that people don't care. it's that people pretend to care. all the while ignoring the bigger picture at hand and fighting over tiny things.

social media

i honestly don't hate social media as vehemently as some do. it would be dismissive to say it hasn't brought many together and bring light to many amazing people. i must admit that i find scrolling every now and then relaxing occassionally! at the same time, i think we all know why we hate social media. attacks, arguments, doxxing, toxic bubbles and echo chambers, etc etc.

one aspect of social media i hate is how hiding behind an online persona nowadays exempts people from any repurcussions. people freely spread hate and comment vile, disgusting threats, passing them off as jokes. the state of comments on big social media platforms especially the comments on short form content like tiktok and instagram reels is disgusting. people feel that they can just say whatever they want without understanding the consequences of it. nowadays it's impossible to be anything on the internet without getting attacked or made fun of, it seems. maybe it's corny, but seriously, be kind to one another. you never know what's happening behind the screen.

productivity/self help

the incessant need to be constantly productive and working towards a goal is something i have too much experience with. hating myself for not doing enough everyday was on the to do list all the time back then. i indulged in watching productivity youtubers and reading productivity books and self help, desperately trying to find any way to better my life. but "productivity" can be taken too far.

while i learnt a lot of important skills and tips from indulging in a lot of productivity content back then, i soon learnt that productivity wasn't all there was to living. sometimes you have to appreciate living unorderly and impractically, and i think productivity misses that mark. sure, staying up late at nights to talk with my friends may not be seen as productive or efficient. but those late night talks shaped my life more than productivity ever could. perhaps the definition of productivity nowadays is the issue. is productivity a label people can put on themselves to boast about, or is it something that can actually help us live more fulfilling and happy lives? the line dividing the two isn't so clear anymore.

i've never felt that self help has hit me all too hard. some things in life i had to learn the hard way, rather than read a book about how to deal with it. who knew experiences define your outlooks more, rather than what people say? and although i don't regret any of the self help books i've read, i definitely find it "unproductive" (how ironic) to be constantly reading them. i just think the best way to help yourself is to just live life, honestly. you'll figure things out on the way eventually. at least that's how i see it.

digital witch mayura blushing